Artist Bio
Connie van Rijn is a Toronto based artist who received her MFA in painting and B.Ed in Integrated Arts at York University. She studied Experimental Arts at OCA (now OCADU), ceramics at Sheridan College School of Design and psychiatric nursing at Endegeest Psychiatric Hospital in Oestgeest, Netherlands. Her work is in private collections in Paris, Amsterdam, New York City, Vancouver and Toronto.
photograph by Wayne Eardley
Artist Statement
Painting is a form of dialogue between painter and paint, between material and intent, the cerebral and somatic, the ineffable and the concrete, perception and notation. In short, situations that seem to stand in opposition to each other. We structure these oppositions so that we might be revealed to ourselves as beings in the world. I paint to make notation of my being in the world. Notation is a neutral act. Painting is a neutral act. Being is rarely neutral. I seek the space between the known and the unknown to find the place where I can paint without intent. A neutral space where recognition of states of being are recognized and noted.
Artist CV
York University, B. Ed Major: Integrated Arts
York University, M.F.A Major: Painting
Ontario College of Art Major: Experimental Arts
Selected Exhibitions
Art Gallery of Peterborough Peterborough 2018/2019
StarX Gallery Peterborough 2017
Lakeshore Village Artist Co-op Toronto 1995
I.D.A Gallery, Toronto
I.D.A Gallery, Toronto 1994
Samuel J Zacks Gallery Toronto 1993
Red Head Gallery Showcase Toronto
Alma Gallery Toronto 1991
Coeur Nouveau Peterborough 2018
John B. Aird Gallery Toronto 2018
Coburg Art Gallery Coburg 2017
Kawartha Studio Tour Peterborough 2017
Coeur Nouveau Peterborough 2017
Art Space Peterborough 2017
Loop Toronto 2017
Ottawa School of Art Ottawa 2016
Kawartha Studio Tour Peterborough 2016
John B. Aird Gallery Toronto 2016
Scratch Gallery Toronto 2013
Design Exchange Toronto 1998
I.D.A Gallery Toronto 1993
Art Gallery of Peel Brampton
Latcham Gallery Stouffville Juror’s Award
Gallery Lambton Sarnia
Glenhyrst Gallery Brantford 1992 Juror’s Award
John B. Aird Gallery Toronto
L’Etude Ader-Tajan Paris, France
Roundup ’92 Toronto
512 Lansdowne Group Show Toronto 1991
Temporary Contemporary Sculpture Show Toronto
Parkdale Artists Show Toronto 1990